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Allergy-Proof Your Home

Let Faith help you prevent allergy problems!


Did you know that at least 1/3 of your time is spent in this room?

Dust mites actually feed off of dead skin cells, and the more dust in the room, the worse the problem will be.

Tips to prevent further problems:

1. Encase your mattresses and pillows in allergen barriers. Use fiberfill pillows.

2. Take down draperies first, and launder weekly. Wash down all blinds weekly as well. Be sure to wear a dust mask to prevent breathing in allergens.

3. Avoid having books, or knick-knacks sitting around. Dust all surfaces (wearing a dust mask).

4. Vaccuum one to two times per week using a vaccuum with a HEPA filter. Leave the dust mask on, and after finishing the room, leave and do not re-enter for about 30 minutes. This will allow any allergen particles to settle.

5. Wash all bedding in hot water weekly. This includes the pillows. After 30 minutes has passed, make the bed with clean linens.

Other Rooms

Other rooms require the same treatment regarding dust mites.

1. Wash draperies and blinds weekly.

2. Vaccuum one to two times per week, or clean floors weekly.

3. Use slipcovers on sofas and chairs. These can be thrown in the washer to kill dust mites.

4. Walls should be washed down on a monthly basis.


To prevent molds:

1. Wash pillow weekly, and replace every 6 months.

2. Clean with bleach, especially in the bathroom. (Wear a mask to prevent breathing in fumes.)

3. Be sure that dishes are dried completely before putting them away.

4. Do not hang clothes outside to dry.

A Final Note

Allergy-proofing your home can take some serious dedication. Allow Faith to help make your home a healthier place to live!

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